Child - Environment Connection

Learn how this connection impacts intervention and outcomes for children with movement disorders through the lens of the Perception-Action Approach.

Participant technology requirements: Latest version of Zoom, enabled computer camera, functioning audio capabilities and 2.5 Mbps (upload and download) bandwidth. 
1 Hour WEBINAR - Cost: $35 (USD)
Pediatric therapists are looking for the most effective approach when working with their clients. One intervention, supported by current research, is the Perception-Action Approach. This 1-hour live webinar will focus on the relationship of a child’s contact with various support surfaces and its importance for movement and function. Appreciating the implications of this relationship when considering intervention strategies will be highlighted. Components of the Perception-Action Approach, including manual guidance and environmental set-up, will be discussed. This alternative way of thinking will change the focus of your intervention with children with movement disorders.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Explain how the connection to the environment and support surfaces impacts evaluation, intervention and outcomes for the child with movement disorders.
  2. Recognize the relationship of the body to support surfaces during a child-initiated activity.
  3. Describe the correlation between manual guidance and environmental forces.

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